Is it time for Ring of Honor to Give Women a Chance ?

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May 16, 2016 by Everett Barilla

In the WWE it seems that after much campaigning from fans and by female wrestlers like AJ Lee they have finally given women a platform to succeed for the first time in a long time, and are not just eye candy for the male fans in bikini contests and such. In Ring of Honor every so often they will show/have a Women of Honor match up that are quite good but they just do not get seen enough. Ring of Honor currently only has a one hour television slot unlike the WWE that has three hours on raw and another two on Smack Down. Ring of Honor does have some very talented wrestlers on their roster like Veda Scott and Taeler Hendrix, and have two other female wrestlers in Scarlett Bordeaux, and Mandy Leon on their website on their roster, but often bring in other women for the odd matches such as ODB, Kelly Klein but have not established a full fledged women’s division. With Ring of Honor thinking about expanding to two hours, it may lead to giving more female wrestling some television time other than just acting as valets/managers for the promotion, which Hendrix and Scott do very well as valet/managers for their respective wrestlers. With a rising demand for female in-ring competition it must be coming to the point where Ring of Honor which is growing in popularity can fit in a match or two during the month of air time and hopefully bring about a rise to a Women’s Championship title in Ring of Honor, but for the time being they are not fully set up for the women’s division but should be heavily working towards establishing one, especially with TNA’s rapid decline many top talents could be looking for work in the near future.

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