Is the internet ruining wrestling or helping it ?

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July 3, 2016 by Everett Barilla

In a day of social media it is hard to find things surprising or things that are set to be surprises are ruined via social media whether on purpose or my accident. The spoiling of events and storylines has become a norm for most wrestling pages, I personally do my best never to do. Obliviously things like injuries and events like suspensions which the WWE and most other organization publicly acknowledge, maybe just to own its own news, but is it right to spoil and report things never publicly acknowledged before they occur ? And does the this practice ruin wrestling today ?

Obviously the internet has made the accessibility to matches for people in North America, that take place in Japan as well as matches from the past and the independents that may or may not be televised, but in the long scheme when participants making surprise returns /debuts need to hide away from everyone backstage just so there is zero chance that it is ruined makes a person wonder, notably Jericho surprise return in the Royal Rumble a few years ago and AJ Style WWE debut at the rumble. When it comes to the storylines people feel the need to spoil everything, as if the WWE has not been predictable enough as is  over the last few years. Especially with the upcoming draft people trying to break the story on who is going where a month before the event itself taking place on July 19th, thats what I loved about the first draft and then the lottery with a small amount of wrestlers changing brands, was not knowing and being surprised that for example Edge returns from injury and was drafted to Raw a long while ago, now where is the shock in awe factor.

I have come to believe in sharing opinions, ideas and views on the wrestling product, and I am very thankful to be able to witness NJPW matches online after they have happened, but even as I write this blog when it came to PPV preview/predictions I know I may have crossed over a bit but I feel in many ways we should let the organization announce things and no spoil it, if they chose to ignore a suspension then expose it. Recently a MMA journalist was banned by the UFC for spoiling the Brock Lesnar announcement just hours before Dana White was to announce it, to me that was crossing the line, but as that journalist had done before announcing that some matches were to be announced before UFC had the chance, without exposing who and what the matches will include is fine. Its a weird view to have I am sure.

The point I am trying to say is do not in any ways try to spoil the storylines or the conclusions of them, let them happen, by all means express your views, and how you would do things or want things to go but it seems to ruin the product if you can just google or bing to find out what is going to happen, but I do see the positives but at time they really seem to be outweighed by the negatives.

So do you think the internet is ruining or helping wrestling ???

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