Tag Archives: TNA

  1. Should Gail Kim Consider Going Back to WWE ?

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    September 28, 2016 by Everett Barilla

    Gail Kim is seen by many to be one of the greatest female wrestlers of all time, and her two …
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  2. James Storm Really Leaving TNA ???

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    August 19, 2016 by Everett Barilla

    Reports are coming from a TNA Wrestling TV taping that James Storm had announced he had fulfilled his contractual obligations …
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  3. Will Bobby Roode’s Run in NXT and WWE Be Glorious ?

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    August 15, 2016 by Everett Barilla

    Leading into his NXT wrestling televised debut the question on many people’s mind is can Bobby Roode carry over his …
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  4. Why I’d Love to see Motor City Machine Guns in WWE

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    July 8, 2016 by Everett Barilla

    I have been a fan of Chris Sabin for a very long time and especially of the the tag team …
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  5. Moose On The Loose: Who will land the Moose

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    July 8, 2016 by Everett Barilla

    Many reports have been coming out about the future of Quinn Ojinnaka better known to wrestling fans as Moose. Moose himself …
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  6. Is the internet ruining wrestling or helping it ?

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    July 3, 2016 by Everett Barilla

    In a day of social media it is hard to find things surprising or things that are set to be …
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  7. Thoughts on the Matt Hardy Transformation

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    June 2, 2016 by Everett Barilla

    Over the years we have seen transformations of all of our favourites or just all wrestlers in their characters, but …
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  8. TNA In More Financial Trouble


    May 14, 2016 by Everett Barilla

    Another report coming out that TNA is in financial issues, and has been paying production late a lot lately. Financial …
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  9. Wrestling Views Awards 2016 … 1/3 of the Year Edition

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    April 29, 2016 by Everett Barilla

    At the end of April I decided to have my own end of the year kind of awards, like the …
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  10. How Successful Can The Phenomenal One be in WWE?

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    February 18, 2016 by Everett Barilla

      AJ Styles was once the face of the TNA Wrestling, a dominant figure in both New Japan Pro Wrestling …
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